The Organizing Team in the Media
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Cindy on Television A&E's show "Hoarders" Episode 39 - Mary and Episode 48 - Becky
The Organizing Team considers each client's situation individually. The approach this television show takes with all clients
does not necessarily reflect the methods used by The Organizing Team. |
Cindy Quoted in a Book
Delaware County News Network Sept. 26, 2011 "...NAPO-GPC Member, appeared on 'Hoarders'"
News of Delaware County Sept. 5, 2007 "Ready, Set, Organize"
Bucks County Courier Times Sept. 4, 2004 "The well-organized kid" and "Tips for a well organized home"
The Organizing Team Testimonials
Cindy Eddy is a joy to work with. I felt so comfortable with her. She has a wonderful balance of qualities. On the one hand she was very dynamic & effective
and had wonderful, cost-effective solutions, while on the other hand she was kind and thoughtful and sensitive to my feelings. She and John were very
creative about solving our problems attractively and inexpensively. We are thrilled with her work, and plan to invite her back to help with another room.
- N.S., teacher
Finally a system that works for me!! Two times in the past I had organizers come in to help me as well as the many times over the years I tried to set up manageable systems
for myself. Inevitably over time my bookkeeping would dissolve into chaos, and precious time would be lost looking for what I needed. It's been more than a year since
Cindy came and I'm still organized and can almost always find what I need immediately!
- Patricia M. Salvitti,
Chiropractor, Landlord, Coordinator of Wellness Center, Mother of Three
Cindy got my garage organized right before the cold weather set in... she was efficient, organized and had a vision... I look forward to working on future projects with Cindy... I am indeed pleased with her skills.
- D.M., Delaware County, PA
I really appreciate your organizing help in the past - you are a natural organizer! You see the big picture and break the process into manageable steps.
There was a huge difference in my piles of papers and disorganized files and cluttered shelves and closets after your visits. Understanding the purpose of each
area has enabled me to maintain a more peaceful space!
Kathe, Delaware County, PA
After a move: Cindy, thanks for all of your help in getting me organized. I have moved, and have used some of your tips in my new place. However, I have gotten rid of a lot!!! I am still
storing out of season clothing - out of my closet - and into storage bins under the bed ~ I Love That! Thanks for all of your terrific ideas, your patience and understanding and your perseverance
in getting me organized. My best to your husband who also did a great many small jobs that together, made a huge difference to me!!!
Susan T. Lamb, Director of Development, Food & Friends
A very belated thank you for coming to work with our girls! I heard many positive comments from them about "being organized" after you were finished talking
with them. Thanks again for the hard work and effort you put into our presentation.
Teacher, Academy of Notre Dame